DreamWasTaken (or DreamWasTaken) is an online pseudonym Clay is using to share videos related to Minecraft on YouTube. Dream was a keen gamer since childhood and later created a YouTube channel that shared his playthroughs and commentaries. He has worked alongside BadBoyHalo (a friend of his) as well as GeorgeNotFound. George as well as Dream may be involved. Dream isn't revealing his real identity yet, and has been using his gaming avatar for all his appearances online. DreamWasTaken began his career on social media by playing video games. He primarily creates Minecraft playthroughs as well as commentary videos on YouTube and various other platforms. His YouTube channel Dream made him famous. It was first launched February 8 2014. It now has over 6.75 million subscribers, and more than 584 thousand views. The creator also worked with BadBoyHalo on the production of his YouTube Minecraft videos.

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